The Development of an Integrative Framework to Predict the Presence of Freshwater Species-At-Risk
The New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure has partnered with our researchers to develop a science-based weight-of-evidence risk assessment framework to assess the presence/absence of SAR aquatic species. The expected research outputs include using environmental DNA (eDNA) as a tool to map the spatial extent of SAR individuals, developing effective freshwater mussel survey methodologies at the microhabitat scale, mapping the connectivity of freshwater systems in NB using LiDAR, and a probabilistic model for the determination of risk to SAR across NB.
This framework would allow for rapid confirmation of the presence of SAR within any proposed project's freshwater habitat, and could streamline permitting processes, concentrating the focus on conserving and protecting areas where SAR biota require the most attention.
The outputs have significant implications for conservation and restoration as mapping of suitable SAR habitat will directly aid in prioritizing SAR habitat restoration.
This innovative research approach will have broad applications arising from an operational need (via NB DTI), while increasing the science-based decision-making capacity within NB DTI and advancing current approaches to SAR freshwater surveys.
There are 3 Master of Science in Environmental Management (MScEM) Students starting May 2021 that will tackle different aspects of the pieces that will make up the Weight of Evidence framework.