Completed Students
Project Titles
Emilie Noel (MEM)
Using metabarcoding to look at fish presence/absence above an aboiteau.
William Millar (MScEM)
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) embryo development and population assessment in the Tobique River Basin: potential for impacts from industry activities (co-supervised by Dr. Wendy Monk (ECCC)).
Kelsey Wilson (MEM)
Context and Models for the Community Hub on Joyce’s Kitchen and Garden Plans.
Nikita Popli (MEM)
Consideration of impacts of applying rotenone in aquatic systems: The eradication of Smallmouth bass in the Miramichi River system.
Kaushal Vyas (MEM)
A review of research strategies for detection, relocation, and recovery of freshwater mussels.
Dakota Tomah (BScENR Honours)
Ethnobotany of the Grand Lake Meadows: Developing a two-eyed seeing approach to environmental management (co-supervised by Drs. Wendy Monk and Donald Baird ECCC/UNB).
Laura Bonga (BSc Honours)
Mercury and other metals in sediment, cattails, and invertebrates from Hyla Park and the surrounding wetland (co-supervised by Dr. Nelson O'Driscoll Acadia U).
Kaylee MacLeod (BScENR Honours)
Stomach diet analysis of Chain Pickerel (Esox niger) and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in the LaHave River, NS.
Elizabeth Ryan (MEM)
Elizabeth completed their MEM in 2020 on soil organic carbon accounting across a landscape in Havelock.
Kayleigh Holder (MEM)
Defining “normal” ranges for flows and water temperature: setting monitoring triggers for the
Wolastoq | Saint John River.
Emily Buttery (MEM)
Restoration and management of amphibians in Calgary’s urban wetlands.
Carson White (MScF)
Fish community health and composition within intensively and extensively managed forested watersheds in NB (co-supervised by Dr. Karen Kidd McMaster U).
Calum Noel (MEM)
American Eels (Anguilla rostrata): Climbing back to stability.
Sharon Edwards Tun (MEM)
Measuring community greenhouse gas emissions and working toward a community energy plan
(co-supervised by Brittany MacLean City of Fredericton).
Shaelyn Ramos (MEM)
How to better incorporate sustainability into academics at UNB
(co-supervised by Danielle Smith UNB Sustainability).
Xu Gong (MF)
Differences between two methods measuring the decomposition of organic matter in an aquatic system
(co-supervised by Drs. Jen Lento and Wendy Monk CRI and ECCC/UNB, resp).
Zach Bourque (MEM)
Slimy sculpin population health in watersheds influenced by different levels of forest management.
Brittany McNaughton (MEM)
Assessing the feasibility of two systems to handle household organic waste: The dirt on compost.
Kelli Charbonneau (MEM)
Do multi-scale impacts from forest harvesting spatially accumulate in streams?
(co-supervised with Dr. Karen Kidd McMaster U).
Fang Yuan (MF)
Evaluation of site-specific water quality guideline performance for aluminum and iron in select surface water stations in New Brunswick (co-supervised by Dr. Jen Lento CRI/UNB).
Betsy Ugberase (MEM)
Development of a bacteria water quality index to examine long-term trends for the New Brunswick surface water monitoring network.
Xu Gong (BSc Honours)
Cotton strips as a leaf surrogate to measure decomposition in aquatic systems influenced by variable forest management pressures (co-supervised by Drs. Jen Lento and Wendy Monk CRI & ECCC/UNB, resp).
Ifedayo Abel-Adegbite (BSc Honours)
Investigation of legacy methane seepage into freshwater food webs using novel applications in
Stoney Creek, New Brunswick (co-supervised by Dr. Brian Hayden).
Bianca Langille (MEM)
Benefits of system integration and practical application of environmental and emergency management.
Alyson Hasson (BSc Honours)
Phylogeography of Slimy Sculpin in New Brunswick.
(co-supervised by Dr. Scott Pavey UNBSJ)
Fang Yuan (BSc Honours)
Evaluation of site-specific water quality guidelines within New Brunswick
(co-supervised by Dr. Jen Lento CRI/UNB).
Candy Shikondze (MEM)
Development of a management plan for the Ferris Street Nature Preserve (NB Nature Trust).
Tegan Smith (BScENR Honours)
Using otoliths to evaluate growth in Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus).
Jill Pelkey (BScENR)
Water quality data analysis within the Kennebecasis River watershed using a Water Quality Index (WQI).
Shizrah Hasnain (MEM)
Addressing fish data deficiencies for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Saint John River Freshwater Assessment. (co-supervised by Simon Mitchell, WWF Canada).
Krystal Binns (MEM)
Fish in Sustainable Habitats - Guidance and Project Support (FISH-GAPS).
Danny Merrill (MEM)
Investigation of long-term water quality and relation to ground vegetation at wells on a historic coal mine site.
Humphrey Akwar (MEM)
Evaluation of solid waste management at the UNB Fredericton campus.